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We are not faced with two separate crises, one environmental the other social, but rather one complex crisis which is both social and environmental."

Pope Francis


The Ateneo is blue but it is in many ways green.

When you enter the campus of the Ateneo de Davao High School, red orange kois in the pond will greet you. The refreshing sight of water trickling through fountains welcomes the visitor to the sprawl of greenery and cool shade of the trees. But Ateneo’s green goes beyond its greenery and the quiet beauty of the campus. The Ateneo de Davao High School is serious in its mission of “environmental protection…”.


In the 35th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus (2008), they articulated the mission of Jesuits and Jesuit institutions around the world in caring for the environment:

Care of the environment affects the quality of our relationships with God, with other human beings, and with creation itself. It touches the core of our faith in and love for God, “from whom we come and towards whom we are journeying.”

For some, the environment is an advocacy, but for the Ateneo de Davao Junior High School it is more than just advocacy, it is a directive and the Jesuit way of proceeding. In the words of our University President, Fr. Joel Tabora, SJ, it is a categorical imperative.  We grow into a new identity of Ateneans as not just men and women for others, but men and women for the environment. This is underscored in the Mission of the Ateneo de Davao University:

…It engages vigorously in environmental protection, the preservation of biodiversity and the promotion of renewable energy.

In the past decade, the Ateneo community had consistently participated in coastal clean ups and treeplanting through clubs (Scouting) and formation activities.  In 2011, the entire community (students, faculty and admin) came together for an Ecological Solid Waste Management (ESWM) Planning that led to a 5-year strategic plan mapping out the ecological vision of the Ateneo de Davao High School as:

A community that is lush and verdant in greenery, where the air we breathe is fresh, the water we drink is clean, our buildings energy-efficient and our grounds waste-free.


We envision every member of the Ateneo family to be men and women for the environment, living a happy, healthy and ecological lifestyle, one with the Earth, at peace with humanity in reconciliation with God. This vision known as the Ecoteneo vision has led to various programs integrated in the various aspects of the school, namely: administration, curriculum (and research) and formation. 

Programs and Services

The flagship program of Ecoteneo is the Ecological Solid Waste Management (ESWM).The campus practices proper segregation and materials recovery and composting/nursery management.

           1.1 Segbin stations: 3-classification segregation bin stations are set up in the hallways for: Recyclables, Biodegradables and Residuals. 

           1.2 Materials Recovery Facility (MRF): No segregation, no collection policy. The MRF is a structure made from 100% reused materials. Segregated materials from the segbin stations are processed here by a Maintenance staff in charge of the MRF. The MRF Assistant does not receive materials collected by other maintenance staff if they collected these materials unsegregated.

Income from recyclables: Recognizing partnerships

            The maintenance staff are considered partners in Ecoteneo work. The workers’ organization (called SAMA or Samahan ng mga Manggagawang Ahensya ng Ateneo) are given 70-75% share of the income at the end of the year. Their initial plans to use their share for capital in enterprise is in the drawing stage.

Reduction in residuals: Savings for the school

            The daily average of residuals in a month has decreased from 20%-50% from 2011-2013. In December of 2011, average daily residuals was 29.15 kg, a year later, the residuals at the peak month of the school’s activities decreased to 13.47 kg. For the other months, the average daily residuals was 16 kilograms per day in 2012, come 2013 the average daily residuals went down to 9-12 kilograms.

            The reduction in residuals means less impact on the city’s burden. It has also translated to a 25% annual savings of the school on tipping fees paid to the city landfill.

            1.3 Paper Conservation through Paper Trays in the Classroom and Paper Re-use

            1.4 Waste Reduction strategies: Healthier Cafeteria: Ban on styro and softdrinks and junkfood, Programmatic planning of activities, The Room of Requirements, It is more fun being an Ecotenean!Annual, Annual funrun, Dolphin mural painting.

            2. Environmental  Education and Research: Innovations in Curriculum Design and Development of Learning Effectiveness

            3. Ecological Formation: Innovation in Learning Spaces and Places for Learning Effectiveness

            4. Environment-related outreach

            5. Environmental education within the community: Innovation in Learning Materials for Learning Effectiveness


Davao City State of the Environment

Land Maps of Davao City: Click the arrows to navigate classification maps and click the image to expand in full screen.

To get to know more about Davao City, you may click and open the PDF file.

Ecoteneo and Friends

Discover more about Ecoteneo and its Davao City allies in their social media pages by clicking the image.

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Iggy Farm

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Ecoteneo College Student Community


Sustainable Davao Movement


Ecoteneo Facebook

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