Yhummy B. Decena
School Principal
More about SIR Elementary School
Challenges and Interventions
What are the current problems/pressing issues currently encountered by school community in relation to the Covid19 Pandemic?
We are experiencing a school learning crisis as many students remain at home, but we are not learning the fundamental skills needed for life. Many children do not have internet connectivity, a laptop or desktop at home, nor supportive parents. We need to develop socio-emotional skills and learn more about how to contribute to society as a citizen. Most of the schools are wrapping the curriculum and preparing for modules. There is also a lack of learning from and interaction with peers.
Based on the identified problems/issues, what are the perceived needs of the community? In addition, what are the possible interventions to these issues could the school implement?
Lack of funding for schools and services, peer conflict, health disparities, and inadequate emergency services. Community needs Assessments, seek to gather accurate information to the needs of a community, determine current situations and identify issues for action.
How can the partnership (between ADDU JHS and the school community) assist in the implementation of possible intervention?
Provide continuity of services and promoting improved attendance in after school programs. Maximize resource use such as facilities and curriculum.
How can the school community assist the ADDU JHS students?
Build connections to students and communities as a way to strengthen the relationship in support of the programs.
What considerations should the ADDU JHS Community observe while working with the school?
Provide parenting education, information about child development, social support to parents, encouragement of positive parent–child interactions, and social and health services.
Sections and Students