
Breaking the Chains of Prostituted Women
Talikala was born in response to the challenge of helping prostituted women and empowering them to break free from their "enslavement". Talikala is a Cebuano word for chain. It is a symbol of women bonding together to set free the chains of oppression and exploitation that shackle women in prostitution.
Talikala was established in August 1987 and conceived as a non-stock, non-profit social development institution, composed of individuals and survivors of prostitution. Recognizing prostitution as a condition perpetuating class and geneder inequalities in our society today, Talikala commits itself to the process of women empowerment and to changing public perception towards prostituted women. Furthermore, Talikala commits to develop the capabilities of prostituted women; help prostituted women assert their rights, regain their dignity, and define their role in society; and, create avenues for public education in order to change public perception towards prostituted women. Hence, the goal of Talikala is to improve the quality of life of women who are victims and survivors of sex trafficking and prostitution.
Taikala believes that women in prostitution are victims of inhuman, cruel, and degrading treatment, whose rights to personal integrity dignity and self-respect are neglected in the process. Thus, Talikala endevours to protect and promote human rights.
Location: #2 Sputnik cor Panganiban St. Dona Vicenta Village, Davao City
Institution Head: Jeanette L. Ampog
Contact Details: 287-4653, jglaurel@gmail.com, talikaladavao@gmail.com
Social Media Page: (Facebook) Jan Bing,
Click the icon to visit our page:
Education and Organizing - awareness-raising on rights of women and children and on issues such as reproductive health, gender sensitivity, anti-prostitution anti-trafficking in persons, online sexual abuse and exploitation and Capacity building of leaders of community-based organizations.
Direct Services - case management of women and girls who are trafficked, prostituted and sexually abused ( counseling, referral of cases, assistance -medical,food, transportation and educational).
Technical Assistance to Lawig Bubai- funding to activities of the organization, mentoring and coaching.
Advocacy and Networking / Building Support Groups- forging partnerships with community-based organizations, barangay officials, schools, and other groups.
Programs and Services
Residents and Clients
6-12-year-olds - 30 Individuals
13-19-year-olds - 200 Individuals
20-50-year-olds - 1200 Individuals
Sectoral Data
Education Facilities Near the Institution
Davao City National High School
Health Facilities Near the Institution
Reproductive Health and Wellness Clinic - sexually transmitted infections
Alexian Health and Wellness Center- laboratory examinations and medicine
Southern Philippines and Medical Center- hospitalization
Livelihood- Source of the Institution
The clienteles of Talikala depend mostly on vending and selling, driving, fishing, and construction labor.
Socio-Cultural Information
Mostly the clienteles are Bisaya-speaking people
State of the Environment
The Institution's office is located within the City with clean surroundings and solid waste management is properly observed.
Peace and Order
Tailikala has close ties with government agencies which promotes violence against women and violence against children.
Political Information
There are mechanisms that help in political information such as BDC and assemblies.
Existing Organizations
Here are the existing organizations involve in talikala:
Sangguniang Kabataan
Pag-asa Youth Organizations
Barangay Council of Women
9 children organizations and parents and community residents
Other organizations as organized by Talikala
Men in Valuable Partnership with Women and Children ( assisted by Talikala)
Challenges and Needs
What common problems/pressing issues found in the community/institution?
1. Prostitution of women and girls
2. Online Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
3. Child Sexual Abuses
What are the current problems/pressing issues currently encountered by the community/institution in relation to the Covid19 Pandemic?
1. Community-based activities that involved a number of people cannot be implemented by Talikala.
2. Availability of food assistance for the clients is scarce and other intervention which can be extended.
3. Visitations to our communities cannot be done.
Based on the identified problems/issues, what are the perceived needs of the community? In addition, what are the possible interventions to these issues could the community/institution implement?
Utilization of the technology in the conduct of activities taking into consideration the particularities of the target groups.
How can the partnership (between ADDU JHS and the community) assist in the implementation of possible intervention?
help the organization in exploring other platforms which can inclusive to all types of target groups- parents who are not into technology, no gadgets, no connectivity
How can the community/institution assist the ADDU JHS students?
Talikala can arrange a virtual session/orientation with students on our issues and interaction with our target group.
What considerations should the ADDU JHS Community observe while working with the community/institution?
Confidentiality of the information shared to students by our target group. Child Protection Policy being observed by Talikala.
Name and designation of the person who answered this form?
Jeanette L. Ampog- Executive Director